tentang hujan

satu hal yang mampu menyembuhkan luka kehidupan adalah guyuran hujan

ketika hujan turun, orang-orang berlari mencari tempat berteduh
tapi tidak denganku.
aku akan tetap berjalan, dan menikmati hujan selagi aku masih bisa

hujan menyanyikan laguku,
hujan membacakan syairku,
dan hujan membelai wajahku lembut

hujan. hujan. hujan.
aku mencintai hujan seperti bumi
bumi takkan bertahan tanpa hujan

aku tahu,
hujan memberi kekuatan di tiap tetesnya

when the day met the night

when the moon fell in love with the sun
all was golden in the sky
all was golden when the day met the night

when the sun found the moon
she was drinking tea in the garden
under the green umbrella trees
in the middle of summer

when the moon found the sun
he looked like he was barely hanging on
but her eyes saved his life

in the middle of summer

so he said, "would it be alright if we just sat and talked for a little while, if in exchange for your time I give you this smile..."

so she said, "that's okay, as long as you can make a promise not to break my little heart or leave me all alone in the summer..."

all was golden in the sky when the day met the night
in the middle of summer...

by_panic! at the disco...
